health-what is Scholiast disease ?

>> Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scholiast disease is a very common disease of the oral region. Disease or having high age youth, the elderly and is one of the common causes of lost that status in adults.

Disease events quietly so patients are not interested, so the disease is usually detected very late, after many complication: The mouth, causing that ...

I. Scholiast What? Patients scholiast What?

Home is that, in a perimeter around the teeth. Scholiast is organized around that, that resistance, keep that function in bone. A healthy tooth is usually held by the jaw bone: that new bone, ligament and gums that. Embracing the gums to get that protection of sensitive tissue easily below to prevent bacterial penetration that harm. The gums are the foundation for good teeth.

Scholiast disease is disease of organizations around the teeth.

II. Why we get sick scholiast?

Causes of dental disease free status is due to dental hygiene and poor create conditions for the array of parasitic along the teeth, that slot. Bacteria build bám in the array will cause inflamed gums that. Over time, the array that match bám and (hard time) with that (as that high). Meanwhile, inflamed gums will be more severe, patients switching to stage inflammation scholiast. Disease will progress very rapidly if the disease may be a body that reduces the resistance of the body.

III. Symptoms

Patients with 8 symptoms:

- Bleeding gums when teeth comb.

- Swelling red gums, bleeding easily.

- With the dawn of the teeth.

- Smelly breath.

- Click gums blind see the flow.

- There are not feeling normal when chewing.

- Tooth wobble.

- Tooth migration and exceed.

IV. The progress of the disease

Disease progress very quietly so patients are often less attention. Swelling of the gums and then to self falling as people mistook the disease is self-healing. Specifically, if the patient is not treated in time, the supporting tissues of teeth, ligament will be destroyed and targets that drive bone, teeth are wobbly and the last that will lose even that is intact, not deep .

V. Harmful effects of the disease scholiast

In addition to destroy the tissues supporting the teeth, bones digest that drive, that way, wobbly teeth, dental disease also causes chu foul mouth as people lack confidence in communication, isolated life. In addition, patients have complication such as pain in positive areas, causing difficulties for patients in the diet cause of stomach pain in people with scholiast.

VI. Dental disease and women

Women at puberty, when the economic, pregnancy or menopause risk infected scholiast high may have a disorder of the information, and increase mao circuit. So women need more attention to oral hygiene to limit the disease have scholiast. When pregnant, pregnant at the mouth of the effects of gums, the gums usually will automatically disappear after the birth if the pregnancy that the gums are still patients need for dental surgery. Therefore pregnancy effects not only focused on examining pregnant but pay attention to the oral examination in pregnancy.