health-Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days

>> Wednesday, August 12, 2009

one of the main reasons that people have troubles with diets is that their bodies seem to respond poorly to hardcore diets after awhile. Have you ever been on a diet that started out really well, but then after a few days you found yourself unable to keep the gains going no matter how little you ate? The main reason for this is the fact that the metabolism in your body ground to a halt due to the lack of input and as a result you were unable to burn fat in the same way that you did when you first started dieting. This is the bane of the existence of many diets and it is also why many really serious diets are only effective as short term measures.

Calorie shifting is a strategy that aims to correct this problem by allowing you to eat the right foods at the right time. For starters, it allows you to consume carbohydrates and proteins. The former will give you the energy you need to power your metabolism and the latter will allow your body to produce large amounts of glucagon, a hormone in the body that is responsible to a large degree for the burning of fat and calories. Along with the input of carbohydrates and proteins, you are also going to be eating a lot of high-energy foods at times that will allow your body to build up its metabolic rate. Once that happens, the foods are then going to be reduced so that your caloric intake is smaller, but the metabolic rate keeps going. The end result is fat-burning metabolisms that will help you take off some serious pounds at the end of the calorie shifting period.

This is basically how the principle is supposed to work and in theory it does sound good. Theory is the key word there, as it still remains to be seen how well the Idiot Proof Diet incorporates the principle of calorie shifting into the product that they sell.

Calorie Shifting within the context of the Idiot Proof Diet
The Idiot Proof Diet works in cycles. Each cycle is 14 days long, which basically means that you are going to run through approximately 2 to 2.5 cycles each month depending on where the previous cycle ended in the previous month. The cycle of 14 days is divided into two different areas. The first 11 days represent the period of time during which you are on the calorie shifting diet and the last 3 days represent a period of rest between the end of the previous calorie shifting time zone and the start of the next one.

What you basically need to do on the calorie shifting 11-day portion of each cycle is to use the Idiot Proof Diet generator to create a diet regimen that you will then follow through the 11-day period. With the Idiot Proof Diet, there are four meals a day that are created and placed in a way to maximize the calorie shifting benefits. Recipes are available for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian populations.

An example day for a non-vegetarian would be something along the following lines:

* First Meal: Start with a plate of tuna salad and a glass of low fat milk with apples for dessert
* Second Meal: Eat a combination of shrimp and chicken
* Third Meal: Take some ham cold cuts and bacon strips, eating them together with some baked beans
* Fourth Meal: Take some slices of roast beef, halibut broiled in a low-fat sauce and combine them with some mixed vegetables

For vegetarians, similar meals are possible, with protein substitutes such as nuts, eggs and soy products put in place of the meat and dairy products. As you can see a lot of the recipes are protein heavy and this is one again to help burn fat off while at the same time increasing the metabolic rate in an attempt to create a positive fat-burning feedback cycle that can be increased through each diet stage.

Final Thoughts
All things considered, the theory and practice behind the Idiot Proof Diet both appear to be on solid ground from a scientific basis. There have been many people reporting success with these particular methods as well, so there is at the very least anecdotal evidence that the Idiot Proof Diet does indeed work. The principle of calorie shifting is a sound one and that in turn means that the diet is based on firm ground from the scientific point of view.

Preparing the meals and following the diet exactly might turn out to be an inconvenient hassle at times, but if you want this program to succeed for you, following the meal outlines exactly is more important here than in just about any other diet. If you know right now you won’t have the discipline and/or effort to follow those plans, don’t purchase the product. It is as simple as that.