health: acne?

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skin disease is most common. Occurs much later age is up, 15-16 years old to adult age, 18-20 years old.

MTC is a chronic disease in the pore, lasts many years but tends to decrease gradually from or over time. Position in acne is still there are many routes nhờn Three: Many at the surface, and then the neck, back, chest, arms. Depending on the severity of mild that you may be black head acne, acne blind, nốt acne products. Severe acne especially bọc, each nốt can to with your fingers.


There are 3 factors that cause the combination MTC:

1. Increase in the bã nhờn pore: At the adolescent, the more education the birth Hormone effects stimulate Online bã pore activity as strong pore filled the bã nhờn. After this they will turn into còi acne.

2. Go along with the factors above, the pore nghẹt for disorders of cell horns are present in the skin. Consequences pore increasingly to the phình.

3. stagnant nature bã nhờn help bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes many "food" to grow and cause inflammation, infection creates blind acne, acne bọc.

Treatment and care

- The MTC has a variety of different light heavy treatment should require Feedback doctors, especially when you have acne blind, in the department not to or because the damage will leave permanently seo.

- MTC with each stage and are, you need long-term treatment.

- Do not use the drug with the pool as Corticosteroid Cortibion, kinds of ice cream mix for the assurance they cause acne in most.

- While having more in MTC or swelling acne, you should not use many spices have pointed to (chilli, pepper ...), oil, coffee, tobacco because they can stimulate more growth bã nhờn.

- No second pool of acne medications that are both excellent. They only work well if you have doctors examine and specify the correct use. Because the skin of each person nhờn different types of damage and inflammation, infection rates also differ, thereby using drugs must also vary.

- Do not canal injection site, nặn acne clutter because only works Psychology than treatment effects, not including bad consequences such as infections, than to do seo.

- Sanitation skin with soap to detergent nhờn.

- Limit the sun, use cosmetics in the MTC have many. Finally you also do not worry too for black bruise because they are the result of inflammatory acne and red will fade gradually. Please be patient and do not have "eyes itch" and "familiar nặn hands" if you only have a few acne preserve.