health:On spring beauty goatskin with vegetables

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

Author: Master Hoang Khanh TOAN
One of the principle of beauty in traditional medicine is that "consent of the season", because the weather four seasons Dong Xuan Ha Thu many different points to the influence of meteorological factors to health general and the beauty of the skin in particular has many separate.

Spring is the time to be de da feeding and protection for the most damage to the skin through the winter is very large, and the request page to prepare for hot summer is no less important. In terms of material life more and improve the kinds of cosmetic rich today to beautify the skin is not very difficult. However, needs to learn and use all kinds of vegetables commonly used in daily activities to foster and protect the skin but not so reduced. So, what types of vegetables which are used and how to use specific how? Would be introduced to some readers may refer to and manipulate.

Also know as green through winter. The sweetness, the cool, with the profits appear, increase me, phì reduction (making profit and white skin, reduce fat). This is an ideal food for obesity. Book of a draft written: "If you want your body healthy, lightweight group should regularly eat squash. Health on the past as Red Cat, look Tu Ton, Le Huu Trác ... all squash are often used to treat some skin diseases and external beauty. For example use squash seeds (in winter over) 15g, tangerine peel and flowers 6g Training 12g dried powder dispersed, daily drink 3 times, each time 1 spoons of rice cultivation with water after meals, drink line in 1 month for maintenance skin, fair skin to help smooth; or squash 1 results, get more knives gọt deserted green, cut into pieces, boil in the pot with 500ml water and 500ml white wine. When nine triplet which collect water, then add 250g white sugar, heat for melting is, when does get a little mixed with the fresh white chicken eggs, are removed to face.

As competent through, like last, sleep ... The sweetness, the cool, the bar with only the passion, the cold-water targets, than in mediation, often used in nursing, clinical and prevention of skin pucker. How to use: simply the best is to use cucumber clean, pound, pinch of water, to remove the skin several times a day, can also thái into thin slices and then paste onto surface. Cucumber or cleaned, in pieces, made with cooked fresh cows milk, then remove to cool on the surface, daily 2 times removed. Or cucumber water pressure, water pressure and he bồ, water pressure of fresh lemon and fresh cows milk, the amount equal, then mediation is removed on each side 2 times.

Also known as beet row. The sweetness, the comments are the targets of the bill, profits, colon, and items can minh, thanh nhiệt detoxify. Commonly used supplements for skin, the skin of dry, fish eggs first black acne nhợt ... This food is very rich in vitamin A, B, C, for the transfer and skin regeneration. How to use: simply the best coffee is to use carrots washed, pinch juice drink or to remove all skin daily, 2 times per day. Or use half my coffee carrots, apples China (average of) half results, 20g coriander, fresh lemon 2 thick slices, take all the pressure get water every day. Or contents of carrots 50g, 50g vegetable needs, creating half of China, Chile 1 results, bring all the pressure get water, VAT 1 / 6 of lemon, drink every day, work detergent mole.

Also called for the code, a code, Cu Thang, Me ... The sweetness, the comments have to be careful of, the interests blood, colon profits, making skin beautiful black hair. How to use: simply use the area as do ripe, eat 20g every morning, after increasing up to 40g to make the skin fair and fresh profits. Or use black area 10g, the 10g Training, 10g black beans, camellia 10g, 100g rice, all made into porridge cooked meals a day, with the help of light skin, black hair. Or region 30g black, 20 red apple fruit (remove seeds), take two well-done, slightly more harmonious honey, divided 2 times meals a day, with hand freaked and clinical skin. Or 20g black area, it received 30g, 200ml of fresh cows milk, soy bean milk 200ml. Take all the heat, add some air white sugar, divided 2 times meals a day.
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Also known as soya, beans competent, wild beans ... The sweetness, the average, with the proportion of the low utility of damaged blood, detoxify, maintenance of skin, hair as black. This oil is very rich in quality protein and fatty acid not it be beneficial for raising the skin and hair room. To use: Use soy bean 50g basement with liver pig eat 50g per day, each data is 14 days. Or soy bean 15g, 15g black beans, camellia 15g; three tunnels ripe, add a little red sugar, divided 2 times meals a day. Profit work and clinical da da. Or the soy bean milk to drink regularly.

Also some other foods also work in nursing and white skin as bank nhĩ (Nhĩ white wood), the white, fresh ginger, apple's, bolster, mushroom flavor, the grain fields, communications, hoài paint ( Cu Mai) ...