health:Allergies jellyfish

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

Repairs powerful toxins.
Many people go swimming to accidentally touch jellyfish. Where is click edit in redness, itch. Patients may be crayon shock and die.

jellyfish are animals no spine, or in the sea salt. Mồi invaluable when they use both legs and tum râu get new information and also the toxins cause the animals died immediately. If milk invisible or not to accidentally hit, people will be allergic.

At the maximum possible level, catastrophe occurred immediately after the toxins of jellyfish penetrate the blood victims. Victims hangover, headache, chest, heart re, and smelly, difficult breathing fast, nausea, non-alive, colic and liquid several times, fast circuit, a small, blood pressure dropped. Victims into obscurity, much as CONVULSIONS, can comatose; bring immediately to the hospital to combat shock shares.

Terrestrial or semi-level, after about 15 minutes to touch the milk, the victims black hands, feet, on said each map area, in May Day body, in accordance Quineke eyes, each, face, larynx should end breathing, fast circuit, mostly. Heart beating fast all, blood pressure lowering, or khan, difficult wheezing. Thanh Phu cause difficulty breathing. Victims nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, running eyes, running nose, and smelly. This is the shock of shares, it should immediately bring to hospital against shock.

Terrestrial light, the victim only outside skin reactions, in rát spot, redness and itch a lot. Body only feel uncomfortable, not too worried.

Of treatment, patients allergic jellyfish can level up, level and you need to immediately respond to a hospital in, anti-shock. The lightweight, drug resistance histamin, calcium, vitamin C in 10 days. If the victim many allergy, can be used or dimedrol siro phenergan. Local damage, it should be washed with water oxygen old, non-confidential.