
>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

Spring flowers of hundreds of place it is time for those who wear flowers in the view and enjoy the flavor of heaven. But the scenery looks like they want to color, allergic disease by hương grass, flowers nhuy factors and environment on the other.
WHEN pollen Road Go TO NOSE

The spring, many people often play like walking, camping in the woods or visit the garden, landscape plants, this is also the opportunity to spread flowers in the air into the nose causing sneezing status, weep nasal inflammation and allergies. Besides snot season was known to many, there is inflammation of nasal allergy to a variety not seasonal.

Allergic phenomena

When Man may be tempted to breathe Pollen, strange smell, due to exposure, drug through the digestive, food ... Static electricity is connected between histamin heparin in the body is disrupted, histamin be released freely to the cause allergies. Life growing civilization is allergic phenomenon occurs more often.

A staff for drugs during the period last year, just 10 people to purchase medicines have to find 4 people against allergies. Average approximately 20% of local people with allergies, in which most of the allergic respiratory road. Separate areas of inflammation in nasal allergy can include the nose to the regular season to year (in the same season) and inflammation associated with the wear the Pollen released. Besides the case inflamed nasal allergy chronic happen in the year, usually in combination with Asthma by the cause of allergies (called allergic resources), is the invisible enemy in the environment life and family.

Cause allergic

Two causes allergy common:

Allergies from the outside:

Weather, climate, wind bring Pollen, from strangers, from Mold to other ...

Allergies in family resources:

- Mùi or contact with animal hair, landmark moisture, dust ... BS. Annik Pons Guiraud, home to Belgium - allergies in France who also made the cause more new cause allergies such as cockroaches, or the smell of the bay from the air.

- The penetration of dust in the air as dust from industrial manufacturing, chalk dust, dust Pollen flight to, tobacco smoke ...

Life as civilized, modern and more human cause allergies. To find out the cause of allergies, we must seek to biological elements to determine.

There is also much cause allergies such as:

- Food:

Many factors cause allergies increasing the food sector: from changing the structure of bacteria useful for men on the street in bowel, the impact of the drug to the use of protein as strangers in the nurse food packaging.

- Medicine treatment: Status allergy medication happens a lot from mild (such as redness, itch) to severe can lead to death (shock shares).

- Asthma and allergy - relationship risk

Relationship between asthma and allergies in modern life that the more durable due to the mechanism of immunity similar. 20 years from now, the disease has not stopped increasing. Recently we also found a majority of the Asthma in children from allergies.
Forms Frequently Allergies

When histamin be released freely in the body, the allergy will occur and are denoted below the form:

- Man itch, hives

- The nose, eyes itch, red

- Blood pressure dropped by mao mạch be stretch bloom

- Asthma, difficulty breathing when waste management have been thắt

- Stimulating the slippery road can cause digestive thắt

- Vomiting

Case of severe allergies can lead to death.
Prevent Allergies

First principles to prevent allergies is to avoid contact with the cause of allergies. Local people have allergies is connected heparin - histamin poor durability should histamin released, and the allergic resources will promote the histamin released in the body.

- Spring to the vulnerable people allergic to dust should Pollen shampoo regularly to clean click on Pollen or hair fall on pillows, clothing, and limited to the garden is easy to distribute more chalk dust, from.

- With food and pharmaceutical products: avoid the use of food or medicines have been causing allergic ...

Milk also has been proven to prevent the allergy is best for children. According to a research project is posted on the magazine Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Asian Institute of Forest Leather touches U.S.), thanks to impact protection from anti-allergy against raw milk by children should have a flat family allergies will minimize the condition eczema. The breastfeeding breast milk for 3 months to help reduce 32% of cases of allergic eczema.