health:The acne cream made from rice milk

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

Milk nutrition is an extremely valuable.
The wonders of milk is probably the endlessly for men. Scientists Sweden recently made successful type of cream from the elements in breast milk, can make the valve hot rice ugly acne on your body.

Hamlet - the name of the special cream - written off by the phrase Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumor, includes cells are made from the Alpha-lactalbumin in breast milk can destroy the u. They build in each of the cells of rice acne, causes disorder center control of cell and force it suicide. Cells healthy is not affected in this war.

Dr. Lotta Gustafsson and colleagues from Lund University (Sweden) was combined with alpha-lactalbumin oleic acid to create the type of cream special. After 3 weeks of treatment to test about 20 patients, the size of the type of rice has acne reduction targets on 75%. Meanwhile, a similar effect only reached 15% in 20 volunteers using different rates. This type of cream proven to promote this work in a short time.

Next, the team research for users to transfer rates of treatment with alpha-lactalbumin. Results after 2 years, all rice acne on your body has completely disappeared in 83% of participants in research.

About professional highly unexpected effect of type of acne cream made from rice milk. In the future, this therapy may be expanded in the treatment of diseases and types of viruses cause acne rice as cancer cervix, acne and education and some types of skin cancer.