health: sun and the skin

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

The sun has an important role in our lives, it makes the trees green. Is a match is being effective. Under the action of the sun, vitamin D and money under the skin to vitamin D help us avoid horn bone disease. Where are the sunshine of life there becomes fresh better.

Sunlight include UVA rays, UVB, in the light and infrared rays in the UVA and UVB rays is an important role in causing skin damage.
Biology Effects of UVB TIA

a. Effect against bone whistle

Under the effect of UVB rays, the synthesis of vitamin D3 occurs in the depth of the epithelium, and liver vitamin D3 is retained and converted to form 25 Hydroxy - vitamin D3 (which is the transfer of work).

Lack sunlight in children causes a lack of vitamin D diseases create disorder in the development of bone and horn called bone disease. It can be prevented by the UV rays, sun exposure or oral vitamin D. To treat healthy patients, we used high doses of vitamin D2.

Regular treatments protect sunlight against UVB rays by theory may affect the synthesis of vitamin D.

b. Red by the sun

Common cause of red is in the UVB, causing effects of red maximum in the 308nm wave.

We divided the 4 levels of commission, the heavy increase from:

- The Red pink.

- Hong template age.

- Hong you find, accordingly nề, pain.

- Exfoliate (creating water burns).

Strength of the commission depends on the pace and exposure to light (season, wind, elevation, latitude, etc. ..).

c. Create color slowly or brown skin

The brown skin beginning 2 days after exposure and the most at about 20 days. It gradually disappeared after that, if not more exposed to sunlight. Create the color is due to meet the response of skin to increase the capacity of melanin in the skin due to the exposure of the skin and the effects of sunlight.

d. Increase horns

UVB rays and UVA have increased the role of the cells by Keratinocytes make up thick layers horns. In people with acne spawn, increasing the horns are very damaging because it increases the stagnant nature, the increase of acne considered (comedons) simultaneously appear to trade more than inflammation.

e. The aging skin by sunlight

Effect of sun glint in creating the aging skin has been proven through the Lauken Kligman of the mouse does not have hair.

In people, now people think of aging skin by sunlight is due to work and the agreement between UVA and UVB rays, rays and infrared rays to the light.

f. Effects of cancer by light

- Skin cancer (cells and prickle cells) and cancer effects of light to the cancer cells and cancer cells gai phenomenon is a cumulative dose depending on the amount of light.

- U color of evil

For this disease, and cancer effects of sunlight and do not accrue to that related to the exposure light and suddenly the dội in childhood.

g. Start or develop exaggerated skin diseases due to light

The exposure under UVB rays can do to start playing.

- Art in the light-sensitive drug is in place or swimming body, tertinoine, benzoyl peroxyde, amitriptyline, vinblastine.

- The sensitive skin diseases such as inflammatory skin light variety.

- Some skin diseases by sensitive lighting as first recurrence of each herpes, acne fish eggs, fish eggs red ...

Biology Effects of UVA TIA

a. Effects of the red

UVA rays can also effect the commission of the urgent need 1 dose 1000 times higher than necessary doses than UVB to cause the same effect as 1.

b. Effects of color

Create color immediately, this phenomenon is related to UVA rays and sunlight in the. Then create a fuzzy brown color temporarily, appear a few minutes to several hours and can maintain up to 36 hours.

c. The aging skin is light

UVA in common is the short UVA rays that cause aging rays. Tia this collaboration with UVB rays cause the damage but less heavily than those further damage by UVB.

d. Effects of cancer by light

- Skin Cancer

- In addition to UVB rays UVA rays have a short role mainly in the occurrence of cancer skin. For the types to the UVA rays used to propagate large brown skin that can aesthetic effects of cancer in mice.

- U color of evil

Exposure under UVA light can be a risk factor added to the color of evil.

e. Start or develop exaggerated skin diseases due to light

Skin exposure under UVA rays can do to start:

- The sensitive skin disease light by drug use by local or whole body psoralenes, cyclines, phiazine, quinolones ...

- Diseases of the skin as light skin disease by the healing light

- Some patients sensitive skin light as lupus, cholasma, red fish eggs ...

Over here we have found harmful effects of rays of light in the skin is quite dangerous. So if a lot of work to the sunlight, protection should cover them to avoid the unfavorable effect later.


Synaura December 16, 2009 at 5:49 PM  

Aside from Vitamin C, other vitamins that can help clear and smooth the skin are vitamin A, B complex, E and zinc. It will not only promote healthy skin but as well as boosting the immune system.